For Wrinkles and Blemishes
About me
I'm a facial night cream made with two of nature's green treasures: First, the alpha arbutina extracted from bearberry extract, which inhibits epidermal melanin production to diminish your brown spots and other skin blemishes due to sun exposure. The second is the centella asiatica herb, which boosts circulation, improves the collagen foundation of the skin and fights oxidation. For a younger, clearer, and firmer skin, you can trust me with your eyes closed.
I contain
Alpha arbutina, Centella asiatica extract, Chamomile extract, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Caprylic Capric triglyceride, Mineral Oil, Polysorbate 80, Phenoxyethanol, Phenonip, Propylene Glycol, Alpha-Arbutine, Ascorbic Acid, Glycerine, Centella Asiatica Extract, Chamomile Extract and Aqua.
How to use me
Apply me every night to your face and neck after cleansing. Use me regularly.
لإخفاء تجاعيد وعيوب الوجه.
يحتوي على خلاصة التوت البري لمحاربة البقع الداكنة والناجمة عن الشمس. غني أيضاً بعشبة الجوتوكولا لتنشيط الدورة الدموية وشد البشرة ومحاربة التجاعيد.
كيفية الاستعمال
يدهن كل مساء قبل النوم فوق الوجه والعنق بعد إزالة الماكياج.